Monday, August 21, 2017

Play Time

Remy and Katelyn are back to their old games. Last night, we stopped by on the way home from dance practice just to play for a bit. We're keeping Remy on his toes, showing up at odd times.

Today was the eclipse. It didn't get too dark here, but when I popped by to check on Remy, I couldn't find him anywhere! I was really getting terrified that he had somehow vanished! Then, I heard the distinct jing-a-linging of his collar. Poor kitty! -- he'd been asleep in the basement! He must have thought that the darknening afternoon was actually evening...and I bet he was pretty cross that he hadn't been fed a second time!

Side note: I put out the garbage/recycling cans today. All is good on the home front!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Finally, a Double-Dog Walk!

Hooray! Sasha and Saucy are officially walking partners again! I never know how Sasha will react to other dogs, even ones she's met before. No worries here, though! I got Saucy leashed up while Katelyn waited in the car with Sasha. Then we swapped spots in the driveway, Katelyn holding the Sauce while I got Sasha out of the back. Sasha heard Saucy give one welcoming bark, and that's all it took for tail-wagging to begin! They were completely comfortable with each other, and I walked both at the same time, which is as amusing as it sounds. I got Katelyn to snap this pic upon our return.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


I love how these two babies spend time with each other. Every morning, I make a cup of tea while the babies get fed, and then I curl up with my book and tea (and usually Saucy) on the couch. Today, both animals were on the floor when I sat down. A stare-down ensued, straight out of Deadwood at noon. Saucy moved first, speeding toward the couch with Remy on her tail just as lightning quick. Saucy won by a heartbeat, landing on my lap with Remy's teeth sunk into her butt. Saucy didn't mind the teeth at all -- she was happy to have won the race and the best snuggling spot.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Both fur babies enjoyed their Christmas surprises! As predicted, Saucy blew through the stuffing of her toy within 10 minutes -- but she loved every moment. Remy wanted in on the action until Katelyn wiggled the new mice. Then it was a bedlam of toys!

Everything is fine here. We had about four inches of snow on December 23, and then a 46 degree day today to rush the gutters with water. The garbage cans went out and back in. Oh, and it's never a problem waking up for the babies: the Sasha alarm goes off each day around 6:20.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Good Morning!

We had a lovely, early-morning visit with the fur babies to kick off our vacation. Saucy and I walked along Center with the sunrise while Katelyn snuggled and chased Remy.

Remy and Katelyn played a bit of hide-and-seek...

...until Remy saw the Saucy-snuggling. Then Remy definitely wanted Katelyn back!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Heat is Coming...

With temps in the high 80s and low 90s, we're spending more time inside. Saucy usually cuddles with me while I read...

... and Remy is constantly on the move as Katelyn tosses mice onto his tower.